
Lotus Sutra Project








The two keywords in the “teaching” category are dharma and teach.

Dharma, according to Buddhism, is the teachings of Buddha. The implication here is that one should follow the teachings of Buddha in order to try and reach the level of spirituality that he has attained. Dharma serves as a key facet of Buddhism. In this way, it follows logically that repetitions involving dharma appear so many times in the text. In fact, with 36 occurrences of repetition, the concept of dharma is the most repeated concept in Chapter 1 of the Lotus Sutra. Though the concept and meaning of dharma is not explained in this chapter, the mere fact that it is repeated speaks volumes on the importance of this Buddhist tenet.

Similarly, the idea of teaching, the other key word in this category, is a very important part of Buddhism. Dharma, for example, is something that is taught, and, in this way, many other facets of Buddhism are transferred between people through teachings. The repetitions and mentions of teaching allude to the fact that, in this chapter, the imagery and the stories that are presented are not just there to entertain the reader. The stories are teaching something; that is, there is something to be learned from these stories.

Throughout the Lotus Sutra, we also observe the way in which holy figures or people of religious authority perform certain actions or follow a certain path. By the observations of these people, and by using their experiences as examples, we must learn the proper way of conducting ourselves. In this way, it follows logically that teach would be repeated so often.

Go back and read the other repetition reports.

Read the analysis on repetition in the Lotus Sutra.